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[FNL]≫ Read Gratis The Orgasm Prescription for Women 21 Days to Heightened Pleasure Deeper Intimacy and Orgasmic Bliss (Audible Audio Edition) Andrea Pennington Make Your Mark Global Books

The Orgasm Prescription for Women 21 Days to Heightened Pleasure Deeper Intimacy and Orgasmic Bliss (Audible Audio Edition) Andrea Pennington Make Your Mark Global Books

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Download PDF  The Orgasm Prescription for Women 21 Days to Heightened Pleasure Deeper Intimacy and Orgasmic Bliss (Audible Audio Edition) Andrea Pennington Make Your Mark Global Books

Learn how to consistently achieve full-body, mind-blowing, soul-stirring orgasms.

Today the orgasm is an indicator of personal empowerment, self-acceptance, and self-love as well as an affirmation of a woman's right to enjoy pleasure in her body and her overall life. The Orgasm Prescription for Women opens the door to sexual fulfillment, sensual expression, increased intimacy, and more fulfilling orgasms. The 21-day program, meditations, and daily rituals can also lead to deep personal transformation and spiritual growth. Even if you've never had an orgasm, cannot reach orgasm with penetrative sex alone, or you've lost your ability to climax, The Orgasm Prescription for Women will help you achieve greater sexual fulfillment and expression. The Orgasm Prescription for Women educates and empowers you to discover and embrace your sexual and sensual self to have healthy, satisfying intimate relationships. In it you'll learn how to have more intense orgasms, boost your sexual desire, increase sexual pleasure and fulfillment, increase intimacy with your partner, enhance your sexual confidence, and introduce more play, excitement, and novelty into your sex life. Now is the time to reclaim your sense of feminine power, renew your natural healing ability, and revitalize your sense of wellbeing - starting with your orgasm!

The Orgasm Prescription for Women 21 Days to Heightened Pleasure Deeper Intimacy and Orgasmic Bliss (Audible Audio Edition) Andrea Pennington Make Your Mark Global Books

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK! Dr. Pennington gives the ultimate guide to orgasm paradise. This is the book every woman's been waiting for and every man can learn from.

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 9 hours and 31 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Make Your Mark Global
  • Release Date February 1, 2017
  • Language English, English

Read  The Orgasm Prescription for Women 21 Days to Heightened Pleasure Deeper Intimacy and Orgasmic Bliss (Audible Audio Edition) Andrea Pennington Make Your Mark Global Books

Tags : The Orgasm Prescription for Women: 21 Days to Heightened Pleasure, Deeper Intimacy and Orgasmic Bliss (Audible Audio Edition): Andrea Pennington, Make Your Mark Global: Books, ,Andrea Pennington, Make Your Mark Global,The Orgasm Prescription for Women: 21 Days to Heightened Pleasure, Deeper Intimacy and Orgasmic Bliss,Make Your Mark Global,B01MYDP6C9
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The Orgasm Prescription for Women 21 Days to Heightened Pleasure Deeper Intimacy and Orgasmic Bliss (Audible Audio Edition) Andrea Pennington Make Your Mark Global Books Reviews

Let's take a step back from Dr. Pennington's actual content and consider the value of a book like this even existing. I am old enough to remember a time when sex was not a topic to ever be discussed, and to have been vaguely aware of a time just a little before that when women were not expected to even hope for orgasms. I suspect there are women today still living under those constraints. The Orgasm Prescription, by its very existence, invites women to realize that not only is it ok to hope for orgasms but that it is healthy to articulate their particular desires and needs in the bedroom. Dr. Pennington's bold assertion of a specific orgasm prescription for women opens the door to a new level of sexual equality that hopefully will spread to women in every religion, education echelon and socio-economic group.
WOW What a great possibly life altering book for women. I think this book should be on every females' must read list especially young females that are just starting their sexual journeys. This book would also be a great learning tool for men that would like to be better lovers.

The book teaches you about how to reach the many types of orgasms that females are capable of. Since the female orgasm can sometimes be a fleeting thing the book covers the barriers and other occurrences that can get in the way. It includes a 21 day program instructional program and additional sources of instructions and information.

My favorite quote from this book would be Letting go of expectations and embracing honest communication are the keys to opening up a queendom of erotic bliss.

I received a per-publication copy of this book from the publisher & NetGalley for review purposes.
I couldn’t wait to snuggle up with this book and get to know more about how to enjoy my body. And it did not disappoint. Dr. Andrea comes at the subject matter from a variety of angles, reflecting the fact that for women the big O is not just a physical thing. We are complicated beings and there are a lot of complicated things that affect our sex life and orgasms.

Getting a good understanding of the biology, neurology and biochemistry is valuable, as is understanding how health and hormones play a part in our sexual health. Dr. Andrea’s medical background is an obvious asset in that discussion. For me though, I think the most valuable thing was getting a much better understanding of how women’s emotional lives affect their O, including how they see themselves. It’s no news to me that for my husband it is much more of a purely physical thing whilst for me it’s all in the mind, but the way Dr. Andrea explains it makes it so clear and gives me a much better understanding of it. There she obviously draws a lot on her previous experiences and work with women both as a sexual healer, working with weightloss and more. To me, I don’t think anyone else could have written this book, as her experience is so unique and varied. The next step for me is for my husband to read those sections in the book that focus on women’s minds in relation to their O, as I think that will greatly help us both in our relationship, both in and out of the bedroom.

In line with how much women’s minds affect sex and orgasms for them, Dr. Andrea devotes a lot of the book to discussion, advice and exercises to help in that department. For now I have only read through the book once, but I can’t wait to go through it again and do all the exercises in it, both the mindfulness and meditation ones and the 21-day program. I can’t wait to dive head into the online content as well, of which there is a lot.

I bought the version, as I do love being able to read wherever and whenever, but I will definitely be getting my hands on a physical copy. And I can also tell you, that physical copy will live on my nightstand for years to come, and will end up with tabs and writing it it, highlighting and dog ears. This will definitely be one worn out copy before too long! D

Thanks Dr. Andrea for bringing this to the world in your unique way. My journey towards orgasmic living is just starting and I can’t wait for it to continue!
This is a book I guarantee I will go back to for reference over and over again. Regardless of the current state of your intimate relationships and libido level, this is something every woman should read. The author, Dr. Andrea Pennington, goes into the biological, physiological, and psychological aspects of orgasms for women, and explains how there are many factors that can affect a woman’s level of sexual desire. Dr. Pennington goes into the science behind why some women have difficulties achieving orgasm, as well as why so many women struggle to stay “focused” when intimacy is initiated. Understanding that so many of these aspects are natural makes it easier to be kind to yourself when you may be struggling with your libido and sexual desire. She also offers many tools to help keep yourself in the moment, as well as things that can help if it’s more of a physical issue rather than something regarding your emotional and mental state. At the end of the book, Dr. Pennington offers a 21-day program that includes meditations and daily rituals to help you become more comfortable in your own skin, as well as taking care of your mind and body in a natural way. I have not completed the program yet so cannot speak to its effectiveness; but it is something I plan on doing in the future. Everyone always has room for improvement and it’s important to remember to continue, not only working on yourself, but also your relationships. I also appreciate that Dr. Pennington doesn’t shy away from the fact that many people are engaged in alternative relationships, and does her best to make sure her advice is given in a way that it can be used by anyone, in any type of intimate relationship.

Thank you Netgalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK! Dr. Pennington gives the ultimate guide to orgasm paradise. This is the book every woman's been waiting for and every man can learn from.
Ebook PDF  The Orgasm Prescription for Women 21 Days to Heightened Pleasure Deeper Intimacy and Orgasmic Bliss (Audible Audio Edition) Andrea Pennington Make Your Mark Global Books

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